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Implementing a real-time fraud solution during COVID-19 times

29.01.21 09:16 AM

Global pressures created by disruption, digitalisation, speed and transparency are pushing businesses to introduce technologies to address the emerging risks


Large financial services company


Africa/South Africa


Banking Fraud Implementation


Single view of customer across the enterprise

Consolidated case management systems (platform-centric)

Financial predictability that supports the reduction of IT costs


The business was experiencing:

  • Sophisticated fraud attacks
  • The impact of limited staffing capacity for fraud investigations
  • Unprecedented speed and velocity of same day attacks
  • The effect of detection on the customer experience
  • Rare events that created significant losses on the organisation


The goal was to partner with a first-in-class vendor that would implement a platform to:

  • Proactively identify irregularities in the banking cycles
  • Manage banking fraud risks more intelligently
  • Enhance the systems while implementing a platform-centric approach
  • Improve the data integrity and data services


The solution implemented was a platform and suite of applications for Fraud Detection & Investigation. This enabled a converged solution resulting in a common reference architecture paired with a set of interfaces, an advanced analytics engine that would leverage AI & ML capability and real-time detection engines, all underpinned by an orchestrated data layer that supports different processing utilities. This was deployed in the Cloud thereby leveraging  and enabling the business’ digital strategy.


The business was able to witness immediate benefits through:

  • The consolidation of data in providing a 360-degree customer view
  • 60% increase in positive detection rates
  • Yielded 4x improvement in scenario productivity

“The challenge was finding something that we did not already know. At the end of the engagement, there was 

growing evidence of uniform coverage across the bank.”